Who We Are


Our Board

Chair: Dr Paula Abood

Public Officer: Alissar Chidiac

Secretary: Maissa Alameddine

Treasurer: Katie Shammas

Ordinary Board Members: Nikolai Haddad, Hazem Shammas & Marian Abboud

Arab Theatre Studio is an independent organisation of contemporary artists and creative producers based in Granville, Western Sydney.

Our vision is to continue our collective history of developing Arab-centred critical conversations and creative spaces. Our activities include growing a creative hub in Western Sydney; connecting artists; facilitating critical conversations and participatory workshops; producing performances, live works and accessible multilingual theatre; sharing information online and through social media, and becoming a hub for referrals.

Since 2016 Alissar Chidiac and Maissa Alameddine have worked as creative producers, developing the foundations that led to Arab Theatre Studio being incorporated in 2019. From early 2020, the organisation’s Artistic Subcommittee became the creative work base, expanding the team with Marian Abboud, Hazem Shammas and Paula Abood. 

From inception, ATS has been supported by Urban Theatre Projects and our other key partner has been Cumberland Council. ATS has been funded by several Create NSW initiatives.

Our Partners & Supporters